Pack 128

Pack 128 is the Cub Scout group meeting at St Teresa Catholic Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Information for current Scouts and Parents

Events, advancement and communications are managed in Scout Book.

Information for Prospective Scouts and Parents


Boys entering grades K-5 may join Pack 128.


Scouts build skills, character, and relationships through a variety of hands-on activities. Boy Scouts of America (BSA) details more reasons to join

Time Commitment

Dens are small groups of boys the same age. Dens generally meet twice per month. Most meetings are on weekday evenings, some may be outdoor adventures on weekends. Pack events occur once per month.


2023-2024 Dues

New Scouts

National dues and charter fees are paid upon registration via the National BSA Website. Pack dues are $20.00 for the year

Returning Scouts

Dues are $95.00 per returning scout for the year.

Please pay your den or pack leader by check made out to Pack 128.


Scouts need uniforms and books. Parents may purchase these from the BSA Website or from the Cornhusker Council Scout Shop

The Pack maintains a small collection of hand-me-down uniforms - ask the Cub Master for details.

How do I sign up? (for new scouts)

  1. Register with the National Organization at
  2. Email the
Pack 128 Main Page

Last Updated Sat Oct 28 09:31:20 AM CDT 2023